
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey Among 27 First-Time Participants at Kerala Travel Mart 2024

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey are among the 27 countries that will be first-time participants at this year’s Kerala Travel Mart, billed as Asia’s largest tourism event.

China and Japan are among the other first-time participants at the 12th edition of the four-day event, slated to commence in Kochi, the commercial capital of Kerala, on September 26.

An impressive line-up of 592 foreign participants from 71 countries have registered for the event, the organisers said.

The warm overseas response to the event underscores unprecedented growth in the tourism sector, according to Jose Pradeep, President of KTM Society, which is organising the event with the support of the state Tourism Department and other states as well as industry agencies.

“This impressive response to the event is a result of the overseas marketing campaigns mounted by Kerala Tourism,” he added.

With 52 buyers, the UK tops the list of foreign countries when it comes to representatives at KTM 2024, followed by the USA (45) and Malaysia (30).

The 12th KTM will accord special focus to Kerala as a wedding destination, as authorities see an overexposure of tourist spots outside of the state as an opportunity to woo travellers to Kerala. 

Its abundant beaches, backwaters, forests, tea gardens, and lush greenery make the state – with the tagline “God’s Own Country,” an ideal tourist destination.

The state is also reputed for its cultural and culinary richness, as well as its strong infrastructure and transportation facilities, including air, water, rail, and road connectivity.


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