A Bahraini landlord has been charged with assault following a dispute with his tenant that resulted in a 10% permanent disability for the victim.
The tenant, a foreign national, reported that her electricity was repeatedly cut off by the landlord, leaving her in a precarious situation.
After verifying with the Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) that they were not at fault, she took it upon herself to restore power using the building’s main power box.
However, during one such attempt, while on the phone with her husband, the landlord allegedly attacked her, resulting in injuries confirmed by a forensic medical report.
Ordeal During questioning, the tenant recounted her ordeal, stating, “I was just trying to fix the electricity when he came at me.
I never expected this to happen.” She added, “He took my phone and I felt completely trapped. I thought I was going to be seriously hurt.”
In fear for her safety, she fled to the street and sought assistance from passersby to alert the police. Eyewitnesses reported seeing the distress on her face, further underscoring the severity of the situation.
Troubling behaviour Court records indicate that this was not an isolated incident; the same tenant had previously filed complaints against the landlord, highlighting a troubling pattern of behaviour.
The Public Prosecution has charged the landlord with assault causing injury resulting in permanent disability, although it was determined that he did not intend to inflict such severe harm.
The case is currently pending before the courts, and as it unfolds.