After a two-year legal battle, a court has ordered a seller to refund BD1,600 for selling two fridges that did not meet the agreed-upon specifications.

The fridges, which had a sticker price of BD2,000, were purchased by the buyer after paying 80% of the price, amounting to BD1,600 in instalments. However, upon discovering that the fridges were not as initially promised, the buyer refused to accept delivery or pay the remaining balance.

In response, the seller filed a lawsuit demanding BD2,600 for the products, as well as rent for the space occupied by the fridges, claiming that they were preventing him from renting out the shop.

The buyer filed a counterclaim, seeking BD1,800 in compensation, stating that the seller had initially agreed to refund him after the complaint but had delayed for two years. A witness who inspected the fridges, while the buyer was abroad, testified that the appliances did not meet the seller’s specifications, supporting the buyer’s demand for a refund.

The seller, on the other hand, argued that the fridges had caused financial harm by blocking the rental of his shop. However, the court found that the seller had already rented out the shop, and the fridges were now being used by the tenant.

Based on these findings, the court dismissed the seller’s lawsuit, ordered the refund, and instructed the seller to cover the legal costs and attorney fees for both cases.