Summary: While things were somewhat calm through much of the daylight hours on the streets of Caracas, tensions are now at boiling point and full-blown confrontations with police as thousands of opposition supporters have been literally walking, some from rural areas, to the Presidential Palace. BBC and CNN are confirming that Maduro’s security services have fired tear gas and rubber bullets against outraged demonstrators who believe Sunday’s election was stolen. Some US members of Congress have added their voice, urging the White House not to recognize the results of a Maduro victory.
“Thousands of people descended on central Caracas on Monday evening, some walking for miles from slums on the mountains surrounding the city, towards the presidential palace,” writes BBC. A handful of other cities have also witnessed unrest Monday, confirms CNN: “Protests were also reported in other cities, including Maracay, where opposition activist Esthefania Natera told CNN that people were on the streets “to yell and demand to tell the truth because we know the real results.” The coastal state of Falcón saw demonstrators topple a statue of leftist icon and Maduro mentor Hugo Chavez, according to activists posting video on social media.
Like with prior instances of brief unrest in the last couple years, in some areas police and military personnel appear to have retreated or even abandoned their armored vehicles.
Some US hawks are openly calling for regime change, and have urged the protesters to go all the way to the Presidential Palace to confront socialist strongman Maduro…
There actually appears to be more than one Chavez statue that has been toppled in different locations at this point, a huge and fierce message by protesters aimed at the regime.