Saudi TV “Al Ekhbariya” has aired a shocking report on its programme “Al Rased,” uncovering an international school in Riyadh caught embezzling electricity and water from an adjacent mosque.

According to the report titled “In the encroachment on Mosques,” field teams from the Department of Mosque Protection at the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance identified irregularities in the mosque’s utility bills, prompting an investigation.

During a field tour, they discovered tampering with the mosque’s electricity meter, indicating unauthorized usage by the adjacent school.

Furthermore, the investigation revealed that the school had diverted water from the mosque’s tank via a pipeline to fill its own tank, which notably lacked a water meter.

As a consequence, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah, and Guidance were unknowingly bearing the full cost of water and electricity bills associated with this illicit consumption.

The report’s findings sparked outrage among social media activists, who expressed disbelief at the school’s actions and called for severe penalties. Some commended the efforts of the Ministry of Awqaf in uncovering and addressing the issue.