
Korean Netflix Series Predicted Coronavirus Two Years Ago?

MY SECRET, TERRIUS is a South Korean Netflix series which is trending across the world amid the coronavirus outbreak with many fans unnerved by its prescient story. The series, which has been labelled a romantic comedy and mystery, first aired back in 2018 and was made up of 32 episodes. Here is a tweet shared by a person that talks about the scene. It comes at My Secret Terrius episode 10 minute 53:

Here is everything you need to know about when the spookily-timed drama was filmed.

Fans cannot believe how timely this Korean series is following the declaration of a global coronavirus pandemic. The series seemed to predict the coronavirus outbreak, even though it aired two years ago before the virus was even discovered.

The predictions take place in the 10th episode, during which a doctor reveals the coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. He says: “What’s more serious is that the coronavirus has an incubation period of two to 14 days” adding there is “no cure or vaccine available at the moment”.

Fans have noticed the symptoms and effects are very similar to that of COVID-19.

Those who have seen the episode have taken to Twitter to get other people to watch the scarily accurate clip.

One fan said: “Go to Netflix, search My Secret Terrius Episode 10, then fast forward to 53 minutes. #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronaVirusPredicted How? Could it be man-made?”

This has left fans wondering when the series was actually filmed, as they have tried to make a logical connection.



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