Kuwait’s top appeals court has upheld a death sentence earlier given to a citizen convicted of murdering his wife and slicing up her body.

The convict in his 50s was charged with deliberately murdering his Kuwaiti wife in November 2022 and dismembering her body into pieces before tossing them into garbage containers in different areas of the country.

The crime came to the attention of authorities after a Kuwaiti woman had filed a report that her sister had been missing since October 2022, according to a security source.

The complainant expressed suspicions that her sister might have been harmed by her husband, noting that her phone had been turned off, and she had not attended the wedding of two of her nephews.

In response to the sister’s legal complaint, the husband was arrested. Initially, he denied having any idea about her disappearance.

Police doubted the husband’s denial after he looked confused. Upon examining his phone, it was found that his last call with the missing woman dated back to October, 2022.

With intense investigations, the man admitted to killing her by strangulation due to marital disagreements.

He also admitted to cutting the victim’s body into 20 pieces and throwing them into containers to hide traces of the crime. He also got rid of her clothes, belongings and phone. Police did not find anything that belonged to her except traces of blood and hair in his vehicle.

 However, the husband denied at the first session of his trial murdering his wife and claimed ignorance of her disappearance and whereabouts.

Source Gulf News