Already lauded for its possible benefits on mental health, a new study has been released suggesting that supplementing with vitamin D could also improve your muscle strength.

Published in May, a new meta-analysis of multiple studies on the effects of vitamin D on muscle strength has concluded that vitamin D3 supplementation can increase strength gains in healthy adults.

The researchers aimed to determine whether vitamin D3 supplements could enhance muscle strength in both the lower and upper body of athletes. Their methods included:

  1. Systematic review and meta-analysis: The study analysed multiple randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that had previously investigated this topic.
  2. Data collection: Researchers gathered data from various databases to find relevant studies. They included studies that compared the effects of vitamin D3 supplementation to a placebo or no supplementation in athletes.

From the findings, researchers concluded that vitamin D3 supplementation, at a dosage that alleviated deficiencies in the participants, was enough to lead to a trend in overall strength gains, including an increase in bench press strength as well as a statistically significant increase in quadricep strength.

Numerous research papers have proven a link between vitamin D deficiency and muscle weakness and fatigue. In 2020, a study found that around 40% of Europeans were vitamin D deficient, with 13% being classed as severely deficient. Safeguarding against any deficiency seems like a no-brainer for those interested in preserving their health and optimising their strength and fitness.

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