2 years ago

Emergence and future of the fintech industry

By Roberto Mancone CEO and Executive Board Member Beyon Money We live in the 21st Century – precisely in 2022 – and yet many times we see candidates that have profiles resembling a CV built back in the year 2000 (it may seem like yesterday but it has already been more than 20 years). Fintech, like any other digital industry, needs to focus on Gen Z (that is people born between 1997 and 2012), from students in elementary school all the way to college. They are the current and future workforce, and they are our clients, influencers, and judges of our product and services… but they are also the ones determining the success or the failure of a venture initiated today or even a few years ago, either as users or as employees of a said new venture or of an incumbent. However, they are not the only ones. This chart should remind us constantly who are the clients and who the professionals will have to navigate through a constant super-fast evolution. In the first part of this article, I would like to focus on Gen Z and then further speak to Millennials and Generation X which are doomed to […]

3 years ago

Beyon Money: Teamwork makes the dream work!

A great team can either make or break a company. Teamwork at the workplace is essential to maximize the output and yield better productivity out of everyone involved. It is crucial to spark and maintain a continuous flow of motivation, enthusiasm, and encouragement within the team members throughout the process. Roberto Mancone, CEO of Beyon Money, shared an impressive and inspiring story with us recently that highlighted the power of great teamwork. The team’s management of the incident reflected the leadership quality and strong team spirit at the up and coming company. The team at Beyon Money has created a range of WhatsApp groups, each relating to a department or service – one of these, is related to handling issues faced within the app. The Incident One Friday night at around 11:45 pm, one of the employees noticed that there was a minor malfunction on the app. The team has in place a continuous process of testing of the app, monitoring any potential issues that some clients may face from time to time. The Response As soon as the first WhatsApp alert message was sent, everybody jumped in the group chat in a coordinated manner: one member started testing, another […]

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