4 years ago
Just recently, we interviewed Dr. Hamid Haqparwar, Managing Director of BMW Group Middle East to know more about #NextGen, their latest innovations and plans for the region. What was the inspiration behind #NextGen? The concept of #NextGen has been developed a couple of years ago. Nowadays, people are becoming more and more digital savvy; they prefer to have the latest information within a very short timespan. At BMW, we decided to refocus our product launch strategies by transitioning into a digital concept. #NextGen is a first-of-its-kind platform where we elaborate about our technologies and showcase our latest innovations. It has various content hubs which contains highlights, discussions, videos and more information on our new products. We have started preparing for this global digital event long back and it was certainly fun for us to see the reaction of the audience. How difficult was it to transition to doing this totally digitally after years of doing everything through physical events? The transition was quite easy as we have been preparing for this for a while. As I’ve mentioned, we have already made significant progress in reducing our carbon footprint by going more into digital spaces. The idea, strategy and vision of […]