4 years ago

Interview: Tony Davis, National Coach, Bahrain Boxing Federation

Gulf Insider interviews Tony Davis, National Coach, Bahrain Boxing Federation. How did it feel to be back in Bahrain after overcoming your recent struggle with Covid-19? The flight from Istanbul to Bahrain was an emotional one. It was like coming back home. I had a lot of warm messages including one from Shaikh Khalid saying “welcome back”. It was a relief to finally get away from that horrendous episode, and sort of come back to my Bahraini family, where I belong. Can you tell us your experience in helping establish Bahrain’s boxing federation from ground up? When I first arrived on 1st December 2018, I really didn’t know what to expect. Two weeks after my arrival, I was invited to the Bahraini Mixed Martial Arts Federation where I started taking some notes. During this time, I realized that what they thought was boxing – wasn’t boxing. They weren’t very familiar with the basic rules and regulations, such as duration of rounds, equipment, attire. Their attire didn’t suit that of a sporting nature as rules dictate. They didn’t have the right kits. This is when I realized that they were missing one important aspect – education. I was able to provide […]

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