The UAE Attorney-General’s office has uncovered a new secret organisation operating outside the country, formed by fugitive members of the ‘Reform Call’ Organisation, which was classified as a terrorist organisation and dissolved in 2013.

Investigations by the Public Prosecution revealed that the new group aims to revive the previous organisation and pursue similar objectives.

The State Security Department has been monitoring fugitives sentenced in absentia in 2013, identifying two groups who have convened abroad and recruited others.

Arrested member reveals structure of new terrorist organisation in UAE

The organisation reportedly receives funding from sources within the UAE and from other terrorist groups outside the country. It has established alliances with other terrorist groups across media, economic, and educational sectors.

In one country, the group is associated with several fronts, including the Cordoba Foundation (TCF), classified as a terrorist organisation in the UAE since 2014. TCF presents itself as a Middle Eastern ‘think-tank’ institution and is led by Anas Altikriti, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood residing abroad.

An arrested member’s confessions detailed the group’s structure and activities, which include leading smear campaigns, promoting hate speech, financing terrorism, and engaging in money laundering.

The group also reportedly cooperates with foreign intelligence services to destabilise state security.

The Public Prosecution is conducting intensive investigations to verify these details and is expected to release further information upon completion.