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3 years ago

Is real estate a good investment in Bahrain?

Charlie Cooksey interviews Royal Ambassador CEO, Eng. Mohamed Al Kooheji. Fontana infinity is one of the latest and most beautiful developments in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Just recently, Gulf Insider sat down with Eng. Mohamed Al Kooheji, CEO of Royal Ambassador to discuss real estate in Bahrain as well as the newly launched Tower B of Fontana Infinity.    The economy is still recovering from the effects of COVID-19. Why launch the FI Tower B now? Looking into the investment landscape in Bahrain and different asset classes today – whether bonds, gold, equity, cash, or real estate – I would say that considering real estate is one of the best investments as real estate in Bahrain is undervalued and there’s huge potential for growth. Looking into bonds, we used to see high numbers in 2017-2018, with bonds with a return of up to 6%. But today, the opportunities are no longer as they used to be, with returns of 2-3.5%. When it comes to gold, we can see that gold has skyrocketed up to $2,000. When it comes to other asset classes like cash, today, it’s the worst as we can see inflation and today many investors are considering real […]

3 years ago

How to invest in Q4 2021?

Charlie Cooksey talks to Christian Gattiker, Head of Research at Swiss Wealth Manager, Julius Baer on investing in the last quarter of 2021. Are we facing inflation or deflation, and how does it affect investment decisions?  We are facing a bit of both. In the long-run, we’re certainly facing deflation, with falling prices in the past 30-40 years and all the more during the pandemic. What changed during this kind of normalisation is that we have had a spike in inflation and the question now is – is it transitory or will it remain this way? Our take is that we’re in a rather intermediate increase of inflation, which is very much related to the fact that lots of things were shut down and now reopened, so there’s a scarcity of some things and that pushes up the prices. Then we see a normilasation. That means we’ll most probably end up where we were before the crisis. Meaning not deflation, but rather pricing should be in time.  Why do you believe the extent of the global economic recovery is being underestimated? We suspect that the blueprint is a different one from what we usually have of the growth crisis. The […]

3 years ago

How has the pandemic impacted secular trends, opportunities?

Yves Bonzon, Group Chief Investment Officer at Swiss Wealth Manager, Julius Baer talks to Gulf Insider on how the pandemic impacted secular trends and opportunities going forward. Did you see a major shift in trends from 2019 to 2020 due to the pandemic? The pandemic did not as much shift secular trends as accelerated them, and substantially at that. When we first formulated the key themes for this decade, we hypothesized the end of the neoliberal era was close and envisioned a new unorthodox policy template which places a greater importance on fiscal stimulus and debt monetization, as suggested by proponents of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). The immediate policy response to the Covid-19 crisis was taken right out of that MMT policy toolbox – with governments rushing to implement massive stimulus programs, backed by central banks annihilating rates to their lowest levels, while pumping liquidity to support asset prices. Recently, the Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, confirmed that the central bank will not even think about raising rates until they see the white in inflation’s eye. This is an extreme departure from the old policy paradigm. How has Covid-19 changed how you look at strategic asset allocation? The Strategic Asset […]

4 years ago

A survival guide for investors with cash

By Diego Wuergler is Head of Investment Advisory at Julius Baer. Are you missing out? On average, cash represents 1/3 of the typical investor’s portfolio. It’s not too late to buy, and you should still buy at today’s level. Buying today is not difficult to do, but find out how you can avoid a few mistakes. Most of us trust what we are told. Since COVID-19, we have been constantly informed that we are in the worst crisis ever and that life will never be the same again. Studies have quantified the immense damage. On a daily basis, we are being confronted with stories of human tragedies.  It’s no wonder that so many investors are still loaded with cash today. A lot of it. On average, cash represents 1/3 of the typical investor’s portfolio. Ironically, the market has quickly dismissed this challenging news and recorded a tremendous rebound since the lows of September: +60% for the S&P500 and +55% for the MSCI World.  What should investors still sitting on cash (and having missed the boat) do today? Is it too late to buy?  No, it is not too late. In my view, you should still buy at today’s level. Or maybe […]

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