
Bahrain: Entrepreneurs Organisation Launches Inaugural ”In the Boardroom” Event for the Year

Entrepreneurs Organisation Bahrain launched its first “In the Boardroom” (ITB) event of the 2023–24 calendar year on September 28, 2023. The guest of honour was HE Muhammad Ayub, the Ambassador of Pakistan to Bahrain. The event took place at the Pakistan Embassy building, located in the Diplomatic area of Bahrain.

Distinguished EO Bahrain members, including the Chapter’s president, Bob Thaker, attended the event.

HE Muhammad Ayub shared a blend of his personal anecdotes and diplomatic experiences and concluded his talk with heartfelt gratitude towards the Kingdom of Bahrain and its people for their warmth and hospitality.

The event served as a platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and strengthening the bonds of camaraderie within the EO Bahrain community.


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