Dubai Customs on Wednesday said its officers seized more than 6.5kg of drugs from a traveller passing through one of the land borders.

The traveller showed signs of nervousness and tried to hasten through the customs inspection, prompting officers for a manual inspection. That lead to the discovery of a transparent plastic bag concealed in a secret pocket of the clothing, containing around 3 grams of crystal meth.

Upon a detailed inspection of the traveller’s vehicle, rolls containing 6.567 kilograms of hashish were found.

Last month, Dubai Customs thwarted an attempt to smuggle 234,000 Tramadol pills from an Asian country concealed within a shipment of towels.

In December, Dubai Customs thwarted a bid to smuggle 234.68 kilograms of narcotics, specifically hashish, in a wooden ship that raised suspicion upon arrival to the harbour. Dubbed Operation ‘Wheelhouse’, the operation was carried out at the Dubai Creek and Deira Wharfage Customs Centre.

Hamid Mohammed, director of the Inland Customs Centres Management, said this showed the vigilance and expertise of Dubai Customs inspectors in interpreting body language and maintaining a heightened security awareness.

He emphasised Dubai Customs’ commitment to providing its inspectors with specialised training programmes, adhering to the highest global standards in reading body language, apprehending smugglers, and identifying prohibited and hazardous substances.

Mohammed Abdullah Rashid, the senior inspection manager, underscored their dedication to border protection, relying on qualified personnel and utilising advanced inspection devices.