Emirates Airline has cautioned the public regarding circulating messages of cash reward giveaways.

“Emirates is aware that there are messages circulating regarding cash reward giveaways. This is not an official communication from Emirates and we advise caution.”

The statement from the Dubai carrier comes as a response to the spread of messages on various social media platforms. The airline added that these messages are not endorsed or authorised by the renowned airline.

The carrier has also advised the public that all official announcements and communications from the company are exclusively shared through their official channels.

However, the airline is not the first well-known Dubai brand to fall victim to such scams. SMS message has been circulating in Dubai, falsely claiming to be from Emirates Post and attempting to deceive recipients into clicking on a suspicious link.

Earlier this year, Dubai Police also exposed a series of fraud cases where scammers have been pretending to be members or departments of the police force.

Scammers and fraudsters often exploit the reputation of reputable companies to deceive unsuspecting individuals.

The airline also advises individuals to report a suspicious email claiming to be from the airline by sending an email to abuse@emirates.com.