Saudi Arabia

Saudi reports highest single-day spike with 3,121 new cases

Saudi Arabia has reported the highest single-day increase in coronavirus infections on Saturday after 3,121 people were found to have been infected with the deadly virus.

This pushes the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Kingdom to 98,869, of which 26,402 are active cases; 1,483 patients are believed to be in critical condition.

Meanwhile, the Saudi Ministry of Health reported 1,175 new recoveries, raising the overall number of patients recovered in the Kingdom to 71,791.

Saudi Arabia has also announced the highest single-day increase in the death toll since the crisis started;  the virus has claimed another 34 lives across the Kingdom, pushing the country’s death toll to 676.

Riyadh continues to lead cities with the most number of infections after 900 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in a single day followed by Jeddah, with 572 new cases; while Mecca, Madinah, Dammam and Hufof reported 278, 170, 149 and 144 cases respectively.

The remaining cases were reported in other cities and provinces of the Kingdom.

Saudi Arabia had recently witnessed a downward trend in number of infections but the numbers in the last two days show a reverse trend.


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