
Qatar: Total Recorded Coronavirus Cases Cross 40,000

Ministry of Public Health today announces 1830 new confirmed cases of coronavirus, with 605 people having recovered from the disease in the last 24 hours.  In addition, two people have died from the virus in the last 24 hours.

During the last 24 hours, 13 new cases have been admitted to intensive care due to complications resulting from the infection, bringing the total number of people currently in intensive care units to 175.

The Ministry states that the new cases are due to expatriate workers who were infected with the virus as a result of contact with individuals who were previously infected, in addition to recording new cases of infection among groups of workers in different regions.

Cases of infection have also increased among citizens and residents as a result of contact with infected family members who had been infected in the workplace or through visits and family gatherings.

The Ministry revealed that the number of positive cases between citizens and residents witnessed a significant rise, with the number of infections relating to family gatherings, visits and sharing meals together with relatives and extended families having doubled.

The Ministry states that the two new deaths were of a 50 year-old and a 43 year-old, both of whom were receiving treatment in intensive care.


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